
Our Children, Our Future

Jewish tradition perceives children as deserving of our greatest resources of time and energy. A wide range of programs geared to the needs of the youngest members of our community will help create an environment that is both physically and spiritually nurturing.

Toddlertime, Hebrew School, Shofar Factory, Menorah Contest and Olive Press, Model Matzah Bakery, Children's Story Hour, Mommy and Me, Father & Son Activities, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Clubs, Operation Exodus Presentation

The Teen Years

The teen years are the most crucial in the development of personality and character. Today's teen has so much opportunity. Along with those opportunities comes great responsibility to navigate one's way through an increasingly complex world.

Social Get-togethers, Trips, Overnights, Talk Sessions, Organized Sports, Arts & Crafts, Volunteer Programming

For the Grown-ups

Education must never end. To grow, one must constantly be learning. Jewish adult education classes need to be given in an intellectually stimulating and non-judgmental context. Respecting our elders is a basic precept in Judaism. As one gets older, one's soul gets stronger after having done more good in this world.

Parenting Workshops, Hebrew and Yiddish Language, Chassidic philosophy, Mysticism, Holidays, Ethics, Kabbalah, Talmud, Lunch N' Learn, Jewish Learning Institute, Kosher Week, For Women Only Lectures, Music, Art, Kosher Cooking. Guest L ecturers On: Education, Discipline, Language Development, And Relevant Topics. Senior Center : In-Depth Study, Luncheons, Speakers and Entertainers.

The Synagogue

The synagogue. A common perception is one of boredom and monotony. On the contrary, a synagogue is meant to make Judaism come alive and grow within every participant.

Prayer, Preteen Service, Children's Groups, Pre-prayer meditation, Synagogue Parties, Chassidic Gatherings, Sumptuous Kiddush, Israel Solidarity Events, Kosher Wine-Tasting, Sporting Events

Shabbat & Holidays

By remembering the events of the past we keep them alive every year. Jewish holidays not only commemorate historical events; they have vital spiritual meanings and messages for all times. Not to mention that they provide a rip-roaring good time.

Shabbat and Holiday Festive Meals, Sukkah on Wheels, Simchat Torah Celebration, Chanukah Menorah Lighting, Chanukah Party, Megillah Reading and Purim Bash, Community Seder, Lag B'Omer Outing, Shavuot Ice Cream Party

Strengthening the Community

Let's face it. No one can survive as an island. We need one another to form a community. To live life, one needs to be a part of a greater whole to share in good times and deal with life's challenges.